Bolas criollas para Cuba

Como con el petróleo aún estamos lejos de compensar a Cuba por toda la ayuda médica y docente que nos ha brindado, el Gobierno de Venezuela ha decidido donar a la isla 500 juegos de "bolas criollas".
Con este nuevo plan de "bolas para la revolución", colaboraremos además con entrenadores de "bolas criollas" porque según palabras de nuestro presidente, los cubanos no saben bochar
Para los lectores extranjeros de este blog, pueden leer en qué consiste este juego en el siguiente enlace: "Entre arrimes y boches".
La noticia original en Invertia.
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There are many online training videos, such as penis penis exercise male penis enhancement that programs.I strongly recommended to carry out these training videos that option to run the Jelqing exercise to avoid damage to your penis. It is always better to have a good knowledge of the product must use it.Penis Extender works on the same principle Jelqing exercise, but the mechanism of the two products are slightly different.
Pills When the right product - in fact, they work much better than any of the programs called "physical", filler or other questionable products on the market. The most preferred option is the use of so-called penis enhancement (or male enhancement) pills. penis enhancement pill If you have a series of TV commercials (smiling Bob ...), you also know some of the advertised products. Ancient writings tell us that exercises were used as the expansion in front of thousands of years means penis. However revealed only recently serious medical studies and clinical trials, increase penis exercises really penis length and girth.
Also gave the same studies that the increase in penis size is not the only benefit of the penis exercises.Some benefits of these exercises (also male enhancement exercises) are increasing your ability to work harder and longer erection (as you are no longer in a position in bed ) to produce modified, increasing the volume of semen, if your penis enhancement drugs overall sexual control and performance, and of course make your penis larger ejaculate. All these effects can improve your life, imagine how confident you would be if you want your penis is longer than average and you take enough time in bed with your partner happy know. This can be achieved if you follow him program.
In contrast, penis enhancement underwent a comprehensive medical examination and is clinically proven safe and effective.What gains can you expect? As I said, to achieve the gains in your girth and length, enter the extender for 5-8 hours a day. If you do this exercise penis enhancement supplements routine (which may be difficult, if not the device you are using convenient, so make sure you buy a model with a comfortable band.) Stick The typical gain in length is 1-1, 5 cm in the first three months. If you perform stretching exercises for three months, you can expect to get 0.5 to 1 centimeter long. The total duration of the exercise penis enhancement pill is usually three or six months, depending on how quickly you reach your target.
ximena -
Er!ka -
Dentro de poco los Cubanos van a a cambiarle el nombre al juego por otro, y se lo van a apoderar y van a decir que ese juego es de ellos.
Pero al estudido de Chavez q le importa a eso si el es un simple conigote de Fidel, Bah cada vez mas odio a Chavez
FrankPereiro -
Tienes razón, la ayuda que se ha recibido de Cuba, no hay petroleo en el mundo que la pueda pagar. Grandisimos hijos de P....!!!!!!!!
Anónimo -
tugues -